Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

SOB Cruise/Happy Hour

Had some friends over for a Cruise/Happy Hour this weekend. Dave, Jennifer, Scott, and Dana. Weather was a bit cool, but a good time was had by all...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene update

Minor damage to the SOB. Small tears in the canvas, a little water leakage through a couple of windows, and worst of all, a bottle of red wine came uncorked and spilled (change in barometric pressure??).
Many thanks to my friend Steve for "braving the elements" and checking on the SOB throughout the storm.
I'll be back on the SOB Monday evening, and will post another report next weekend.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I secured the SOB best I could, and will hope for the best. Am safe at home in Albuquerque now, just watching the weather on TV like everyone else. Am scheduled to fly back on Monday - Sure hope the SOB is still floating when I get there...

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Spent our last night of the cruise in Oxford, MD, a quaint fishing village just off the Choptank River. Not much shopping for the girls, but quite peaceful, great sunset views, and excellent restaurants.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

St. Michaels

Great port of call. Beautiful Harbor. Downtown shops/restaurants just two blocks away. Maybe we'll spend two nights here...

SOB crew

The SOB crew for the week - Marianne, Susie, and Lewis.

Rock Hall was not as expected. Long walk from the marina to downtown, and when we got there, most of the shops were closed. (It appears Tuesday is a "down day" for Rockhallians). Tomorrow's port of call - St. Michaels...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Baltimore Inner Harbor

Got a great slip overlooking the Inner Harbor. Going to the Oriole/White Sox game tonite. Tomorrow - Rock Hall, MD.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Chesapeake Cruise

Started a one week cruise of the Chesapeake today. This is a pic of our first port of call, Annapolis. Tomorrow - Baltimore...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Working on the SOB

Worked on the SOB all weekend. Never ending projects on a boat. Among other things, I installed a new satellite TV antenna and bought a new dinghy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

SOB Happy Hour

Spent the weekend working on the SOB. I did manage to take a few minutes Saturday afternoon to dinghy across the river for Happy Hour at Skipper's Pier...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Spent the weekend on the SOB anchored in the harbor at Annapolis. Pic is of downtown Annapolis at sunset taken from the deck of the SOB.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day after the storm

Pretty rough storm all day Saturday lasting till early Sunday morning. High winds, driving rain, lightning, thunder, and tornado warnings. Fortunately, the SOB is in a safe marina that is well protected from high waves, and suffered no damage. Rocking and rolling made for great sleeping. Had to make sure the SOB was moored in her slip properly, as the tide was unusually high due to the wind blowing hard from the east, forcing all the water from the Chesapeake up into it's contributories.

Back home to my apartment in Arlington this afternoon - Have to go back to work Monday.

Next blog update will not be till next weekend.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tax day (April 15)

Spent last night at my apartment in DC. Washed clothes and bedding from the SOB (due to failure to batten down hatches a few days ago). Went to breakfast this morning with my work peeps at the Lincoln Waffle House near the Hoover Building. Had the usual (waffle- no butter - 3 strips of bacon).

Back to the SOB around noon. Big storm coming tomorrow (gale warnings are up), so I wanted to make sure the SOB was secure in it's slip.

Due to the storm tomorrow, the SOB boat party is cancelled. Not much fun partying on a boat in driving rain/wind.

Pics are of the SOB in it's slip at Herrington Harbour North. SOB is just to the right of "Annie".

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 18

Made it - 800 miles on the ICW in 18 days. Left Reedville this morning (solo) at 7:00 am. Hit a nasty thunderstorm on the Chesapeake around 11:00 am, but nothing the SOB couldn't handle. Arrived at my home port of Herrington Harbour North in Deale, MD at 4:00 pm. Cruised 88 miles today.

I'd like to thank my crew members (deck apes) Marianne, Dan, and Robert. Thanks for the line handling, fixing me lunch, pushing the SOB off the sand bars (Robert), and sharing "the experience" with me. I could not have done it without you.

Obviously, the SOB arrived a few days early, so there will be no party at Solomons Island on Friday, April 15.

However, everyone is invited to party with me on the SOB Saturday (April 16) afternoon/evening starting at 3:00 pm at Herrington Harbour North in Deale. The SOB is in slip C-9. Call me if you need directions.

Pic is of the SOB at home port of Herrington Harbour North...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 17

Left Hampton, Va this morning at 8:30. Am trying to shorten our voyage by a few days, so our intended destination today was Solomons Island VA, which is about 100 miles. We didn't make it. Weather turned nasty about 2:00, so we ducked into the nearest port - Reedville, VA, Fairport Marina. Robert's wife is driving down to pick him up tonight, so I'll be be cruising solo for the last day - Just 66 miles to my home port of Herrington Harbour, Deale, MD. Should arrive there tomorrow around 4:00 pm...

Pics are of last night's marina at Hampton, and tonight's marina at Reedville.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 16

Another perfect day on the SOB. Left Coinjock this morning at 7:30, and cruised north on the ICW through Norfolk. Lots of bridges, locks, and serious "big boat traffic". Captain Bill and deck ape Robert had to pay serious attention to our surroundings as we navigated north. See attached pics for a "taste" of what we experienced. We are a couple of days ahead of schedule. Traveled 66 miles today, and are docked at Salt Ponds Marina at Hampton, VA.

Tomorrow - Solomons Island VA.

Day 15

SOB DOW. The "Wake up Maggie". Mountain Dew, Makers Mark, Ice. Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 15

Another great day. Left Belhaven at 8:00 am (Banjo music woke us up), and made it to our planned destination of Alligator River by 1:00 pm. It was such a nice day we decided to keep on cruising, and arrived at the next available marina (Coinjock) at 6:00 pm. Traveled 90 miles today, which is the longest day of the trip to date. Great marina and restaurant. One of the best on the ICW so far.

Tomorrow - Hampton VA...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 14

A bit windy when we left Oriental this morning at 8:00. We fought a strong headwind and 3 foot waves as we cruised north on the Neuse River. Two lessons learned today. When under way in rough weather, batten down the forward hatches, and secure everything on the boat. The forward cabin and contents got soaked, and everything in the SOB that was not stowed got thrashed. No major damage though, and we just tossed the forward bedding in the dryer at the marina when we got there. We got to the marina at Belhaven NC, around 1:00. Not much to Belhaven. As you can see from the pics we were just about the only boat at the marina, and their "courtesy car" was a junky golf cart with no brakes (as Robert found out the hard way).

Tomorrow - Alligator River, NC...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 13

Another great day on the ICW. Sunny and warm, light wind at our stern. Slept in this morning. Left Beaufort, NC, at 10:30, arrived Oriental, NC, (Grace Harbor at River Dunes) at 3:30. Had some minor navigational issues around Broad Creek (which I will try to blame on my crewman Robert), but managed to arrive at our destination safely. Pics are of some interesting sites along the ICW and the docks at Beaufort.

Tomorrow - Bellhaven, NC...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 12

Left Robert's Dad's (near Hampstead, NC) at 7:30 with new crew member Robert aboard. He required a bit of "deck ape" training, but got up to speed quickly. Cruised north on the ICW to Beaufort NC, and arrived around 4:30. Met some of Robert's friends for dinner in Beaufort, and had some great conversation and laughs... Pics are of a pink house along the ICW and some Marines training on the ICW near Camp LeJeune, NC.

Tomorrow - Oriental, NC...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 11

Great day! Clear and calm. Left Carolina Beach at 8:30, and arrived at Robert's Dad's dock at 11:30. Traveled just 28 miles. Robert's Dad's place (see attached pics) is near Hampstead, NC, right on the ICW. Switching crews. Dan is off. Robert is on.

Tomorrow - Beaufort, NC...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 10

Got started a bit late this morning. Lightning, thunder, wind, rain, tornado warnings - We made the wise decision to stay hunkered down at the marina for the morning. The storm passed around 10:00, and we got underway. Traveled 50 miles, and arrived at Carolina Beach, NC, at 4:00. Pic # 1 is of me in front of the SOB at tonight's marina (Joyner Marina). Pic # 2 is of a boat we passed on the ICW that was "listing to starboard"...

Tomorrow - Hempstead, NC, where I'll swap crew members. Dan debarks - Robert embarks...

Monday, April 4, 2011

More day nine pics

Day nine pics

Day nine

> Best day so far. Weather was perfect. Sunny, mid 70's, and the current/wind was at our back the entire trip. We left Georgetown at 6:30, traveled 54 miles, and arrived at Myrtle Beach Yacht club at 1:30. The wind was blowing pretty hard (25mph) when we docked, which made my blood pressure rise significantly, but we made it into the slip without any major damage. As you can see from the pics above, the scenery along the ICW on this leg was quite unique. Lots of wildlife - We spotted dolphins, eagles nesting on waterway markers, turtles and snakes. There were huge cypress trees draped with moss, waterfront mansions with guest "cottages" larger than most of our homes, and a "swing bridge", which we had to wait on for several minutes until the operator swung it open for us. The marina here is just "ok", nothing fancy, and no courtesy car. Dan and I walked about a quarter or a mile to the "Kangaroo" convenience store to replenish our dwindling supply of Diet Dr. Pepper...
> Tomorrow - Carolina Beach, NC...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day eight

As you can see from the pics above, Dan made it in on SWA last night. We left Charleston this morning at 7:30, weather was perfect. Sunny, warm, no wind. Cruised north on the ICW 68 miles to Georgetown, SC, and arrived about 3:30. Had dinner on the deck - steak, baked potato, and salad.

Tomorrow - Myrtle Beach, SC...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day seven...

Still in Charleston transitioning. No problems on the SOB, but having problems with Southwest Airlines (SWA). It appears there was an incident with SWA that took half the fleet out of the air, and all flights are delayed. Marianne's flight out of Charleston was delayed, and Dan's flight in from Baltimore is delayed. Not to worry. The SOB will not leave port until Dan arrives, whenever that may be. Bill will just have an extended HH and wait patiently...

Spent most of the day working on the SOB. My sister Susie spent last night with us, took Marianne to the airport around noon today, and drove back to Ashville. The plan is (if Dan arrives tonite) to leave for Georgetown, SC at 7:30 tomorrow morning...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day six

Still in Charleston for reprovisioning, minor repairs, and awaiting the crew change tomorrow (Marianne leaves, Dan arrives). Pics are of the SOB DOW the "Mad Dog" (Tequila and cherry limeade), and Marianne partaking of HH in the salon of the SOB.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day five...

Not to much excitement today. Left Beaufort, SC this morning at 7:30. Weather was cloudy and cold, but no wind or rain. Traveled 67 miles and arrived at Charleston, SC at 3:30 this afternoon. We'll stay here two nights, as Marianne will fly home on Saturday, and my friend Dan will fly in and take over "Deck Ape" duty for the next leg of this trek. My sister Susie will drive in from Asheville, NC tomorrow and spend the night on the SOB with Marianne and me. Tomorrow I'll post pics of Charleston and the SOB DOW...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day four...

The seas were angry today my friends -  Rain, lightning, thunder, wind.  Fortunately, the SOB is equipped with the latest electronics available - GPS chart plotter, radar, sonar, and we made it to our destination safely.  We left Hilton Head this morning at 7:30, hoping to out run the storm we knew was rapidly approaching from the west.  The storm struck us about 9:30, as we were exiting the Port Royal Sound.  It was raining so hard visibility was down to just a couple of hundred yards.  As we approached our destination (Beaufort, SC Town Dock) Marianne bravely donned her rain gear and went out on deck in the driving rainstorm to handle the lines as we docked.  She did her job perfectly, and we are (as I type) having happy hour to celebrate our successful day's voyage.

Pics are of Beaufort & harbor after the storm.

Tomorrow - Charleston, SC

Pics of Beaufort, SC after the storm...