Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 14

A bit windy when we left Oriental this morning at 8:00. We fought a strong headwind and 3 foot waves as we cruised north on the Neuse River. Two lessons learned today. When under way in rough weather, batten down the forward hatches, and secure everything on the boat. The forward cabin and contents got soaked, and everything in the SOB that was not stowed got thrashed. No major damage though, and we just tossed the forward bedding in the dryer at the marina when we got there. We got to the marina at Belhaven NC, around 1:00. Not much to Belhaven. As you can see from the pics we were just about the only boat at the marina, and their "courtesy car" was a junky golf cart with no brakes (as Robert found out the hard way).

Tomorrow - Alligator River, NC...

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