Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day five...

Not to much excitement today. Left Beaufort, SC this morning at 7:30. Weather was cloudy and cold, but no wind or rain. Traveled 67 miles and arrived at Charleston, SC at 3:30 this afternoon. We'll stay here two nights, as Marianne will fly home on Saturday, and my friend Dan will fly in and take over "Deck Ape" duty for the next leg of this trek. My sister Susie will drive in from Asheville, NC tomorrow and spend the night on the SOB with Marianne and me. Tomorrow I'll post pics of Charleston and the SOB DOW...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day four...

The seas were angry today my friends -  Rain, lightning, thunder, wind.  Fortunately, the SOB is equipped with the latest electronics available - GPS chart plotter, radar, sonar, and we made it to our destination safely.  We left Hilton Head this morning at 7:30, hoping to out run the storm we knew was rapidly approaching from the west.  The storm struck us about 9:30, as we were exiting the Port Royal Sound.  It was raining so hard visibility was down to just a couple of hundred yards.  As we approached our destination (Beaufort, SC Town Dock) Marianne bravely donned her rain gear and went out on deck in the driving rainstorm to handle the lines as we docked.  She did her job perfectly, and we are (as I type) having happy hour to celebrate our successful day's voyage.

Pics are of Beaufort & harbor after the storm.

Tomorrow - Charleston, SC

Pics of Beaufort, SC after the storm...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day three

Had another great day. Left Kilkenny Creek at 7:30. It was cloudy and cold, but no wind or rain. Traveled 54 miles up the ICW, arriving at Harbour Town Yacht Basin on Hilton Head Island at 2:00. As you can see from the pics above, our slip was right in the heart of the marina. I had a lot of fun explaining to the tourists how I got the SOB from Albuquerque to Hilton Head (cruising down the Rio Grande). Some of them even bought it...

Tomorrow - Beaufort, SC...

Monday, March 28, 2011

SOB and Alan Jackson's boat docked next to each other.

Continuing the trip north

Second day of this trek. Left from St. Simons Island this morning at 7:30. Cloudy and rainy. Fortunately, there was not much of a wind, and we wound our way through the Georgia "low country" rivers, canals and sounds, and made it to Kilkenney Marina (near Savanaha) by 3:30. SOB continues to run perfect. Will spend the night here and travel to Hilton Head tomorrow. I too pics of the SOB and the "Neon Rainbow" (country music star Alan Jackson's boat) docked next to each other at St. Simons Island, and will post them as soon as I can figure out how...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The adventure begins...

For those of you tracking us, today we are starting a three week trek up the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW) from Brunswick, GA, to Annapolis, MD. We left from a private dock on the Little Satilla River close to where it crosses I-95 about noon, and cruised at about 8 mph east on the Little Satilla (against the tide), crossed Jekyll sound, and headed north on the ICW. We arrived at the Morning Star Marina on St. Simons Island about 3:30, and will spend the night here. We traveled about 30 miles. There were severe thunderstorms all around us all day, but we were lucky and never experienced any really rough weather. The SOB ran great and we didn't have any problems except...

My Blackberry died. No phone service, no texting, nothing. I'll call 9500 (from my wife's phone) in the morning to see if I can get it fixed.

Today was a bit hectic, so I didn't get to take any pictures. I promise I'll take pics tomorrow and post them...